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Jun 22, 2009

IRS Fed Up with K-Fed

Feeling the pinch from rescuing myriad financial and automobile companies, it looks like the U.S. Government is asking for a bailout of its own - from Kevin Federline.

K-Fed is gonna have to spend some of his babysitting money to pay the IRS - something most of us do on time to begin with, and isn't really that difficult, is it?

The IRS has slapped a lien on Federleezy to the tune of $14,371 in back taxes. And despite falling off the map since 2006, it's not like he's not makin' any bank.

Federline is pulling in $20,000 most months - and $30,000 this months, with Britney Spears on tour - for babysitting their kids, Sean Preston and Jayden James.

Our advice to K-Fed? Knock up Victoria Prince as soon as possible, then get child support from her to watch the kid. She must make some money playing volleyball ... right? Actually, better find and impregnate some rich chick instead.

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